1.There is an old pharmacy and a family owned house. They having been fighting with the city since 2003. I think the pharmacy is more important because it is one of the few landmarks of the past that are still up and running in Austin. One suggestion of compromise is "subdividing
the lot to preserve the home while allowing development on the other portion".
2. Both colleges are going to be working in the nation's nuclear weapons lab. They are also going to be working with University of New Mexico, the Boeing Co. and the Battelle Memorial Institute. I think that it is interesting that the two rival schools are working togther but I am against nuclear weapons so I don't really think it is ok.
3. There is a new case of sexual assault and there is enough evidence to move forward as well. I do agree with the judge. The lawyers say something about the district attorney general promising to never prosecute Cosby. I think all their arguments are stupid. I think the only reason this is on the front page is because of Cosby being a celebrity and the fact that this happened before not to long ago. I think that there could be more important news on the front page but it's also a topic that people want to hear about.
4.Lee Elementary will now be named honoring Russell Lee instead of Robert E. Lee. Now the school won't be celebrating a confederate leader anymore. There was also a suggestion that the school will just be Lee. Saldana wanted to rename the school Bettie Mann Elementary. He voted against the new name because he said that that is defeating the purpose of even having a new name. I didn't go there but I think confederacy should not be honored so I think that was a good idea to change the name.
5.Most rumors are saying that Ken Starr will be fired. The nature of this situation is honestly disturbing considering how many of those men have committed sexual assault. I think that Starr and all the football players that were offenders should be arrested.
Wednesday, May 25, 2016
Tuesday, May 10, 2016
Folio: the page numberByline: text that identifies the writer of a storyJump: text that identifies where a story is continuedStory Dividers: the lines between different stories so the reader can separate them from each other Screen: shaded areaInfographic: a graphic that provides facts or information like a chart or graphMasthead/ staff box: the names of the publisher, editor, and other important peopleBastard measure: the one thing on a page that's different to create varietyRaw Wrap: text that extends into a column along the headlineReefer: text/graphic that refers to a story elsewhere in the paperWild Art: a photo that doesn't accompany any storyPull Quote: a graphic treatment of a quote pulled from the storyEars: the white space on either side of the flagBanner: a wide headline extending across the entire pageKicker Headline: short, one-line headlineWicket Headline: a headline that consists of two or more lines of a secondary headline above one or more lines of a primary headlineTripod Headline: a headline with a primary headline on the left covering two lines, next to lines of secondary headlineHammer Headline: a headline style that features one or more lines of primary headline above one or more lines of a secondary headlineModular Design: a design system that views a page as a stack of rectanglesText Wrap: text that wraps around an imageL-Shaped Text Flow: L-shaped article with an image or something in the bend of the L
Monday, May 9, 2016
ACL Lineup
Recently the 2016 ACL Lineup came out including Radiohead, Mumford and Sons, Kendrick Lamar and many more bands and artists. There are lots of opinions of this lineup and some are positive and some are negative.
Mamie Seiler, a freshman at McCallum, has a family owned root beer business which has a stand at ACL. She had many opinions on the subject. Seiler is pretty disappointed with the lineup. She believes that the lineup should be targeted more towards the millennial generation. Mamie only recognized a few of the bands when the lineup came out but said she is excited to get to know some new music.
Many students think that ACL should broaden their lineup and have a more diversified group. It has been noticed that the artists this year are mainly directed to white people. Liz Epperson, a freshman at McCallum says that "ACL should stop trying to be Coachella and stick with local bands". There is a lot of talk that majority of the groups performing are targeted towards a white audience. This year is the 15th anniversary of Austin City Limits and many people are disappointed by the lineup. Some people say there is "not enough hype bands". It is also noticed that prices in tickets have gotten very high are not very affordable. When the festival first started one day passes were $25 and now they are $90.
On the other hand some people think that ACL is broadening their horizon with new artists. There are also students that are excited for the lineup. People are happy to see more indie bands coming instead of rap groups.
The ACL lineup is very important among native Austonites because it is one of the biggest festivals beside SXSW in Austin.
Mamie Seiler, a freshman at McCallum, has a family owned root beer business which has a stand at ACL. She had many opinions on the subject. Seiler is pretty disappointed with the lineup. She believes that the lineup should be targeted more towards the millennial generation. Mamie only recognized a few of the bands when the lineup came out but said she is excited to get to know some new music.
Many students think that ACL should broaden their lineup and have a more diversified group. It has been noticed that the artists this year are mainly directed to white people. Liz Epperson, a freshman at McCallum says that "ACL should stop trying to be Coachella and stick with local bands". There is a lot of talk that majority of the groups performing are targeted towards a white audience. This year is the 15th anniversary of Austin City Limits and many people are disappointed by the lineup. Some people say there is "not enough hype bands". It is also noticed that prices in tickets have gotten very high are not very affordable. When the festival first started one day passes were $25 and now they are $90.
On the other hand some people think that ACL is broadening their horizon with new artists. There are also students that are excited for the lineup. People are happy to see more indie bands coming instead of rap groups.
The ACL lineup is very important among native Austonites because it is one of the biggest festivals beside SXSW in Austin.
Newspaper Design Continued -- Other HS Papers and Vocabulary
1. Le Journal because it's very classy.
2.Le Journal has a very pretty name and I like the cover the best because its not ugly.
3."Inside clayton's drinking culture" because it sounds kind of dumb
4.just one about "the study drug"
5.they are all really low quality pictures and just relevant to that school
6.different fonts and types of art/pictures and different weird article inside
7.they all are unique but also all kind of similar
2.Le Journal has a very pretty name and I like the cover the best because its not ugly.
3."Inside clayton's drinking culture" because it sounds kind of dumb
4.just one about "the study drug"
5.they are all really low quality pictures and just relevant to that school
6.different fonts and types of art/pictures and different weird article inside
7.they all are unique but also all kind of similar
current 6.1
1. Harriet Tubman is going to be on the $20. This will affect the musical show, Hamilton.
2.A city employee might of contaminated water and did nothing about it. This is rare because the person who did this was a morally wrong and also just straight up bad at their job. They made the mistake because they could save money. They also tampered with the evidence. For the next month they will be testing the water to make sure its good.
3. Clinton and Trump have big wins from New York and are going to continue campaigning. Clinton has 81%. Pennsylvania, Maryland, Connecticut, Rhode Island and Delaware, and California are all having primaries.Trump says that the other candidates are being bought. Clinton's win stopped Sanders streak.
5. Volkswagen had to pay $1 billion for cars that cheated on emission tests. It depends on each car specifically. They have to pay $20 billion for violation of the clean air act.
6. A dog was surfing in Port A at the the "Bow Wow a Bunga". The dog was 60 pounds. The festival is for dogs that need to be adopted.
I like dogs. This article stood out to me because of the picture of the surfing dog because that is kind of weird. I like that they are giving dogs homes.
Intro to Newspaper Design
1. I like The Sun because it has a cute name and the lay out is more modern.
2. "Jewel of the Environment"
3. They all have big titles, picture and politics
4.they all have different fonts
2. "Jewel of the Environment"
3. They all have big titles, picture and politics
4.they all have different fonts
Sunday, May 1, 2016
current events 5.2
1. It has been revealed that Haruka Weiser was sexually assaulted and strangled. The sources are police officials and it was unnamed because they weren't authorized. I think they shared the information because the police thought that the public should know. This story is significant because of the proximity.
2. Hired.com found that 69% of the time, males receive more money than women at the same tech company. Hired.com gives people an opportunity to get an insider view of the tech industry online while seeking jobs, as women have lower wage expectations. One cause that they state for this salary inequity is that women undersell themselves, which makes employers think they can get away with paying them less. I think that it is unfair.
3. The North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory's order changed the part of the law that used to not allow anti discrimination protections. The ACLU criticized the order. Paypal said that they would not build their global center there, the National Basketball avocation said they could move the game from Charlotte. Deutsch Bank said they are stopping a project that could have brought 250 jobs to the state. Bruce Springsteen said he isn't going to have a concert in the state. They are all acting out to prove that the governors executive order needs to abolish the whole law.
4.The number of child suicide bombers used by Boko Harum has gone up 11 times in the past year. :-( A terrible consequence of this trend is the children dying. Terrorism experts are rejecting the term suicide because the children don't want to die they are being forced to. Boko Harum is a terrorist group in Nigeria which only attacks "soft targets" versus Al-Quaida which will attacks harder targets. They aligned themselves with Al-Quaida. They are motivating people with money.
6.This article is different because the reader gets to know his opinion a little better and it is numbered, which is weird. I thought it was kind of boring so maybe the author could write a little bit more of a shorter and a little bit more interesting.
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
Mile-High Madness
A pair of horn-rimmed glasses marched up to me last week and said, "You're from Denver, right? Why didn't you people put a roof on Coors Field? This World Series is going to be freezing!"
The tips of my ears started to burn. My neck hair stood up. I actually had to put down my adult beverage.
"How come we didn't build a roof on Coors Field?" I said, grabbing his lapel. "Gee, I don't know. How come Stevie Wonder never bought a camera?
"A roof on Coors Field? Do you even know the Colorado Rockies? Their season is usually over by July! I would've bet that Denver would host the World Surfing Championship before the World Series! Everyone in Denver is looking at each other and saying, 'What will we get next? Wimbledon?' "
Do you have any idea how bat-guano nuts all this is for us? Just a year ago my pal Two Down -- America's Most Avid Golf Gambler -- had his office broken into. I asked him what they took. He goes, "Nothing. But there were two Rockies tickets on my desk. They left two more."
Put a roof on Coors Field? We never even thought we'd get a team! Sure, minor league ball was enough for my mom -- "What's wrong with the Denver Bears?" she'd say -- but I'd fall asleep trying to listen to Jack Buck call Cardinals games on KMOX and dreaming of the real thing.
And it's not like we didn't try for the big leagues. We begged, we groveled, we wrote more letters than angry JetBlue passengers. We'd break minor league attendance records -- 65,666 at one game -- and Major League Baseball didn't so much as burp in our direction.
You think Cubs fans have suffered? Please. At least they had a team. Ours was the cruelest kind of suffering -- the hopeless kind. Our motto was: Maybe Next Century.
And then, finally, there were whispers we could have a team if we built a stadium... in Lower Downtown. LoDo, we all shouted, "God, not LoDo!"
LoDo was a dirty, dilapidated old business district, the kind of place gangbangers tiptoed through. When my mom would drag us to those Bears games, she'd reach across and lock our doors when we went through LoDo. It was full of druggies and brutes and three-toothed thieves. And those were the women.
One of the few decent joints in LoDo was run by a skinny saloon keeper named John Hickenlooper, whose Wynkoop Brewing Company was a place you hated to go to if you had a nice car. "I must've had rocks in my head," Hickenlooper remembers. It wasn't choice real estate. His rent was $1 per square foot per year.
And then it finally happened. We got a major league team in 1993, a very bad team, but a team. And we put on clean shirts and crammed into Mile High Stadium and screamed our fool heads off so that nobody would take it from us. If it had been a candy bar, we'd have licked it from one end to the other.
And when Coors Field arrived in 1995, right at the corner of Blake and 20th Street in LoDo, we cheered even louder. Not because the baseball was good. It wasn't. We had one good year, but mostly we led the league in two things: attendance and sucking. No, we whooped because baseball was saving our town. No city in America was transformed more by baseball than Denver. LoDo blossomed into a garden of restaurants and lofts and shops and 4,300 housing units.
And then, this September, after years of taking the bumbling Rockies for granite, when it seemed even our patience had run out, God looked down and said, "Oh, geez, are those people still believers? Send them a gift basket."
And suddenly we had our own Holliday. And our own Kaztrzemski. And guys with Hoover vacuums for gloves who broke the alltime team fielding record. All of a sudden our lovable, stumblebum Rockies developed this terrible allergy to losing. And just when you thought they'd peaked, they'd discover a new peak -- and we are a state that knows our peaks. But 21 of the last 22? Who climbs that high?
And now that skinny saloon keeper is Denver's mayor -- the most popular in memory -- and Mayor Hickenlooper must have Rockies in his head because he goes around grabbing people on the triceps and yelling, "We're in the Series! We're in the Series!"
And now it's October and nobody knows who the Broncos play next because we have this fearless young team that's still playing baseball in Denver, Colo., of all places, and for some reason, in the middle of all the celebrating, I really miss my mom.
And you want to put a roof on Coors Field, Mr. Horn-rims?
How would she watch?
One foggy day in Houston the Houston team was playing the Austin team. A very tense challenge because the two teams were rank right next to each other. John was the star on the houston team leading all the ranks. It was crazy.
One foggy day in Houston the Houston team was playing the Austin team. A very tense challenge because the two teams were rank right next to each other. John was the star on the houston team leading all the ranks. It was crazy.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
best sports story ever!!!!!!!!!!
My team and I showed up at the fields at 6:00 after driving about an hour out of town. It was the playoffs for our season and none of us thought we would make it this far. Our team started out the season with all new players except for about 3, including me. We all started to stretch and start our warm ups.About half an hour later the other team, The O.Henry Mustangs. The game started and up to the middle we were neck and neck. By the end of the game we won by 11 to 5.
The second game came around and we were a but tired. This team was a bit more tough but still an even match. By the end of the game it was a tie of 10-10 and came down to sudden death where the first person to score won the game. The draw went up and the opposite team grabbed the ball out of the air. They tried to run to their goal but quickly dropped the ball for one of our players to pick up. She ran down the field dodging all the defenders. She passed it off to one of our brand new players and she scored! Our whole team ran on the field and picked her up like one of those cliche baseball movies. The underdogs won!
The second game came around and we were a but tired. This team was a bit more tough but still an even match. By the end of the game it was a tie of 10-10 and came down to sudden death where the first person to score won the game. The draw went up and the opposite team grabbed the ball out of the air. They tried to run to their goal but quickly dropped the ball for one of our players to pick up. She ran down the field dodging all the defenders. She passed it off to one of our brand new players and she scored! Our whole team ran on the field and picked her up like one of those cliche baseball movies. The underdogs won!
finding the flaw
Basically lots of concussions happen in the NFL and there is tobacco! The NFL was all like "this is incorrect". I think that it's okay what the times posted because they were just stating the facts and the NFL just didn't want to be exposed.
gisondi article
Game stories give the highlights of a sports game and there are lots of components that Gisondi talks about. He says that there are five main things that sports stories should have:
- storyline- significance of the events and bits about the players involved
- basically just an overview of what happened
- context- key details, use the nut graph, not narrative
- basic statistics
- quotes-comments from players/coaches of both teams
- quotes from BOTH teams
- all different players/postitions of the team
- quotes with analysis of the game
- key plays- important plays throughout the game
- score of the game
- which team was winning or loosing throughout the game
- key statistics-stats of the game
- only important stats not random ones
- maybe even talk about the coach or team as a whole
Monday, March 28, 2016
RIP NANCY (current event quiz)
1.Police have finished the investigations of the shooting of an unarmed and naked teen. This was significant because they finished the investigations right before their 30 day deadline. According to the police chief, most cases like this take about a year to process while this one only 30 days (about a month). The three options the police have as a reaction to this evidence is to either schedule a disciplinary hearing for the officer, request further investigation, or exonerate him of any policy violations.
2.They want to vote in the elction against Trump. Obama is taking action to make it easier online to help people vote. Trump would be like SCREW OBAMA AND THE MEXICANS!!!
3.Railroad comission is struggling because they don't have enough money. They are telling conservatives that they are worried that government will take over because they don't have enough funding.
4.Obama ordered flags to be flown because some old lady died. (Nancy Regan). Michelle Obama is going to the funeral on Friday. It is appropriate that Michelle goes to the funeral because of how important Nancy was not only to her husband but America. She spent the last 15 years working on the Reagan Presedential Library.
5.The jury found that a stalker filmed a nude video of Erin Andrews. Erin's parents said that they felt terror after finding out about the video. The stalker was responsible and the hotel that had the films. The hotel says that the stalker should not be just 51% responsible because it was mostly just the stalke. I think that it was the stalker's fault and they should pay more like 80% of the $55 million.
6.Now all states have to let lgbt parents adopt kids!!!!!! In Alabama a couple couldn't get kids and were denied by the Albama Supreme Court. The vote was unanimous. They skipped hearing arguments.
2.They want to vote in the elction against Trump. Obama is taking action to make it easier online to help people vote. Trump would be like SCREW OBAMA AND THE MEXICANS!!!
3.Railroad comission is struggling because they don't have enough money. They are telling conservatives that they are worried that government will take over because they don't have enough funding.
4.Obama ordered flags to be flown because some old lady died. (Nancy Regan). Michelle Obama is going to the funeral on Friday. It is appropriate that Michelle goes to the funeral because of how important Nancy was not only to her husband but America. She spent the last 15 years working on the Reagan Presedential Library.
5.The jury found that a stalker filmed a nude video of Erin Andrews. Erin's parents said that they felt terror after finding out about the video. The stalker was responsible and the hotel that had the films. The hotel says that the stalker should not be just 51% responsible because it was mostly just the stalke. I think that it was the stalker's fault and they should pay more like 80% of the $55 million.
6.Now all states have to let lgbt parents adopt kids!!!!!! In Alabama a couple couldn't get kids and were denied by the Albama Supreme Court. The vote was unanimous. They skipped hearing arguments.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Reconsidering Rolling Stone's Reporting
The Rolling Stone believed their source even thought her facts were weird. Editors should always investigate more if something weird comes up. A journalist should learn that you should always double check facts and make sure your main source is reliable. Journalists should make sure to create questions to get the truth and editors need to not be so lenient with writers because many huge mistakes can be made. Rolling Stone definitely need to start straightening up their reporting so mistakes like this do't happen again. It is a mixture of editors and fact checkers not paying attention and the fact that Jackie lied.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
yearbook interview with audra banks (rough draft)
Audra Banks is senior this year and throughout her four years at McCallum she has accomplished a lot. Her main activity being Ballet Folklorico she is also in orchestra, latin club, art and many more extracurriculars. Throughout all her years at Mac she says her most memorable experience was her Ballet Folklorico competition in San Antonio, "We had so much fun just hanging out and winning at our competition", she says. She won the Magna Cum Laude award for the national Latin Exam and in tenth grade she went to the sate solos and ensemble.
In her experience at McCallum she found that she was able to make friends that were completely different than her. Through her experiences with them she learned about their culture and learned she could be friends with anybody she wanted to. Even though she had many accomplishments she did have some regrets. She said that she wishes she could have tried harder sophomore year. "I wish I could go back and make better grades". She really knew she belonged at McCallum when she saw all of her old friends from middle and elementary school and they stuck together ever since. McCallum has not only given her many experiences but also influenced what she wants ti do with her life in the future. Her plans for the future are to either be a music therapist, translator or even creating a foster home for kids with disabilities.
After all of Audra's experiences at Mac she has learned a lot and bonded with many people. She is sad to leave all of those opportunities behind as she graduates this spring.
In her experience at McCallum she found that she was able to make friends that were completely different than her. Through her experiences with them she learned about their culture and learned she could be friends with anybody she wanted to. Even though she had many accomplishments she did have some regrets. She said that she wishes she could have tried harder sophomore year. "I wish I could go back and make better grades". She really knew she belonged at McCallum when she saw all of her old friends from middle and elementary school and they stuck together ever since. McCallum has not only given her many experiences but also influenced what she wants ti do with her life in the future. Her plans for the future are to either be a music therapist, translator or even creating a foster home for kids with disabilities.
After all of Audra's experiences at Mac she has learned a lot and bonded with many people. She is sad to leave all of those opportunities behind as she graduates this spring.
Friday, March 4, 2016
rolling stone article review
I really liked this article. It was very powerful and giving the reader all the details was really really good. The article not only informs the reader but has so much emotion as well. The article shows the reader how alive and well rape is and how much it affects women. I think the reporter did as much as he/she could because many people wouldn't respond. The article was a little long but I think that was needed to give the full story.
Monday, February 29, 2016
jayson blair is fake!
Jayson blair not only made up stories but he plagiarized many of his work. He went to school in University of Maryland, studying journalism after being born in Columbia Maryland. He got fired from writing for the New York Daily times and he went into politics after. It was similar to Glass because he got fired and then just went on to another job. He was soon forgotten. I think it is more worth it to work hard for a job rather than to make up lies just to get respect. I think that journalism is more about trust now because facts need to be true.
response to shattered glass
OPTION ONE:Glass constantly twists stories, bends the truth and straight up lies to his colleagues and his editors. He entertains his coworkers about the Tyson fight. Glass does this so the coworkers trust him and respect him so nobody suspects anything. When glass goes to visit the high school he talks about "good" editors. He says that editors should do anything for you to help your story. What he doesn't realize is that if your whole story is a fake lie the editor will get in trouble as well for publishing false facts. Glass lives in a false reality where he thinks that he has done nothing wrong and that he needed to make up this story for respect. He thinks that his editor is not being loyal when really he is just doing his job. When Glass is applying to law school that is another clue of why he is not an ideal journalist. He says that the only reason that he is applying is to make his parents happy. This applies in the office too. He does things just to please his editor and not to actually improve his writing. An ideal journalist should be taking the criticism and applying it to their writing and nit fighting it. Glass even almost resigns when somebody finds out one of his lies. Quitting just to cover your lies is definitely not good journalism. Thats just lazy and dumb. Another mistake Glass makes is that he tells an intern that he is not good enough and to not turn in work if it isn't ideal writing. You should always try to get your stories published because that will only make you a stronger writer unlike glass.
Monday, February 22, 2016
feature on ghazi
Since her high school days, Mary Ghazinezhadiansh had working with the arts on her mind. For the past nineteen years she has been teaching art classes for high school students. For the past five years, since 2011 Ms. Ghazi, as the students call her has been helping with the annual Benefit Fashion Show. Mary started at Mccallum High School in the spring 1997. She taught many art classes for eleven years before given the opportunity to be a sponsor with students in a fashions show. The sponsor before had to leave and Ghazi got the sponsorship. The show was originally to raise money for supplies for the school art classes and sets for theatre. Soon it became a way for students to show off their talents in fashion design and modeling. Every year there is usually a fresh new group of models and designers. Ghazi often finds humor in the new models learning how to walk in tall heels. Ms. Ghazi takes the show seriously and knows that the studenst do as well. "everyone participating in the show end up bonding and becoming a group and that's when the show gets better. Also how hard working the theater tech crew is and how good they are at their job"In Ghazi's opinion last years show was the best show out of the the five she has experienced. Ghazi says that the 2015 fashion show designs were exceptional but 2016 was still a success. This years STRADA show had fashion lines that were inspired by styles of countries all around the world. "The best thing about being involved in the fashion show for me is being able to see the development of students from beginning to design and participate in the show to see their continued development until their senior year. Many of the designers and models end up doing this a career because of the exposure they get from the show", Ghazi says. Sadly, Ms Ghazi is retiring soon. She will be missed not only by her students but by the fashion community as well. She is a very hard working teacher currently and works hard in the show outside of school too. Hopefully the show will not change with out her."I think the saddest part for me is leaving all behind when i retire. And that time will come."
Current Events Warm-Up Activity
Two thirds of the voters said they were leaning towards voting Trump. The Democratic voters seem to want to voter Sanders and the Republican voters are voting Trump. Cruz only is getting the votes of 2/10.Sanders is what the younger voters are going for as well.
Clinton does not seem to be popular to anybody. I think Sanders and Trump will be the two main candidates.
Sunday, February 21, 2016
bryant gumball
I think it could be a "great" piece of journalism meaning that it was very long but I don't think it was anything special.
Honestly Gumbel sounds like an awful, unsocial person and I don't think I would enjoy being around them. Given how he treated people in his life, thats how I understand what he means.
I think Reilly probably interview Gumbel's mom and also other people in Gumbel's life. He also needed to do some background information and also probably watched old news videos.
I think that the article was balanced because it gave all opinions on Gumbel and not just the good and bad things.
This article wasn't abstract, it was just about a family with daddy issues except for the favorite son and how that affected Gumbel's personality.
The article probably didn't show all of his personality because writers are always biased even just a little bit.
The purpose was to show a more in depth understanding of who Gumbel was.
The reader gains more knowledge of Gumbel and his life and what he went through to act that certain way.
Honestly Gumbel sounds like an awful, unsocial person and I don't think I would enjoy being around them. Given how he treated people in his life, thats how I understand what he means.
I think Reilly probably interview Gumbel's mom and also other people in Gumbel's life. He also needed to do some background information and also probably watched old news videos.
I think that the article was balanced because it gave all opinions on Gumbel and not just the good and bad things.
This article wasn't abstract, it was just about a family with daddy issues except for the favorite son and how that affected Gumbel's personality.
The article probably didn't show all of his personality because writers are always biased even just a little bit.
The purpose was to show a more in depth understanding of who Gumbel was.
The reader gains more knowledge of Gumbel and his life and what he went through to act that certain way.
Tuesday, February 16, 2016
oooooooooonnnnnnn wwwwwwwwwwrrrrriiiittttttiiiinnnngggg
1.This speech is basically just about writing. There are a lot of different components of writing. This article has a lot of writing. There needs to be more than the who, what, when where and why.
You don't need it to be extra special. Just make it interesting and entertaining to the reader. It needs to be like magic. You should have the lead go fast and should cover a lot of ground. Like a bullet it should go through everything efficiently. It doesn't need to be super thought out it just needs to hold a long attention span.
Middles should not be obvious, they should go deeper than the surface of a story. There should be little details from the story that will make the story more interesting. For example with Rodman, the basketball player being offered 10 million dollars, the writer went into more detail about the people who were giving him the money. He talked about their jobs and what they do. For a good middle there should be lots of emotion and detail.
The ending doesn't need to be a big finish. The ending can be more subtle. The last line should sum up your opinion and the article as a whole. Again there should be emotion for the reader
"He went out to the cemetery and interviewed the guy who was digging the grave for President Kennedy. He was the only guy to think of this. His whole column was just about how this guy was digging this dirt up and how he was trying to make the hole really perfect because this was a really special grave. Through the eyes of this lowly grave digger, whose only connection to Kennedy was the fact that he was digging the hole in the ground in which he was going to be placed, he captured the heartbreak of the country way better — way better — than the hundreds of other columnists who wanted to write that big sweeping broad statement. He went and found a person, and through the eyes of that one particular person, told a story for everyone." This story sounds very interesting and Jimmy Breslin is very different.
"But because this woman didn’t notice this little chain, they set him free. So, Mike Royko spent the whole column just telling the story and when he has two paragraphs left to go. The first thing he says is, there’s very little that anybody can do about it now, about this guy getting off. However, it is chain-snatching season. So I suggest that if anyone should ever get an opportunity to see whatever his name was again in the buff, maybe they want to grab that chain and run with it. " This quote is very interesting how subtle this ending is. I like it because it's very low key sad and funny.
"Let’s talk about leads. The way that we’re taught in journalism school to do a lead is to get all the basic information into the first or second paragraph somehow. Well, as you all know, if you’re trying to do that, it’s hard to do with any style. You’ve got to say how old somebody is, where they live, what they did, what they’re charged with, all the rest of it, it’s hard to put a lot of pizzazz on that and make it look like anything." I like how he writes directly to the reader. Not only is his advise good but it's interesting how he delivers it.
"That is a third of the column. To me the “nut graph”, if you apply the old way of looking at this – and remember this was written in the ’70s – the nut graph is basically, “It was another of last week’s murders that went almost unnoticed,” the last paragraph that I read. You didn’t get to that until a third of the way through the column. He goes later in the column into statistics and how many young people are dying and the rest of it. What was important was that he started with a scene of happy go-lucky kids walking down the street, and then I thought the most effective thing he did was: “He said, give me the money.”
“I don’t have any money.” "I like how he explains the nut graph. He also gives his opinion and backs it up with a quote.
"The kid was Justin Mello, barely 16 years old, popular soccer player at Anchor Bay High School, with a melting smile, a tall athletic frame, a freshly minted driver’s license and a dream of buying his father’s GMC truck with the money earned working at a pizza shop." I like how this just gets the job done. He writes a small profile on the person about all the important facts you need to know.
"I remember a far less significant example, something I did one time with basketball player Dennis Rodman, who was holding out for more money. Whatever it was they were offering him at the time, it seemed like a ton of money and it wasn’t enough for him. I went to an auto plant and interviewed a series of people about what they made and what they did and barely mentioned Dennis Rodman, except at the end. I described what they did, and what their jobs were, what their tasks were, how often they worked, and then asked them, what do you think about the fact that Dennis Rodman can’t get by on $10 million a year or whatever it was." I like how he goes into detail about the other people that don't seem as important. He gives the main facts rather than making a big hype on the main character which is good as well.
You don't need it to be extra special. Just make it interesting and entertaining to the reader. It needs to be like magic. You should have the lead go fast and should cover a lot of ground. Like a bullet it should go through everything efficiently. It doesn't need to be super thought out it just needs to hold a long attention span.
Middles should not be obvious, they should go deeper than the surface of a story. There should be little details from the story that will make the story more interesting. For example with Rodman, the basketball player being offered 10 million dollars, the writer went into more detail about the people who were giving him the money. He talked about their jobs and what they do. For a good middle there should be lots of emotion and detail.
The ending doesn't need to be a big finish. The ending can be more subtle. The last line should sum up your opinion and the article as a whole. Again there should be emotion for the reader
"He went out to the cemetery and interviewed the guy who was digging the grave for President Kennedy. He was the only guy to think of this. His whole column was just about how this guy was digging this dirt up and how he was trying to make the hole really perfect because this was a really special grave. Through the eyes of this lowly grave digger, whose only connection to Kennedy was the fact that he was digging the hole in the ground in which he was going to be placed, he captured the heartbreak of the country way better — way better — than the hundreds of other columnists who wanted to write that big sweeping broad statement. He went and found a person, and through the eyes of that one particular person, told a story for everyone." This story sounds very interesting and Jimmy Breslin is very different.
"But because this woman didn’t notice this little chain, they set him free. So, Mike Royko spent the whole column just telling the story and when he has two paragraphs left to go. The first thing he says is, there’s very little that anybody can do about it now, about this guy getting off. However, it is chain-snatching season. So I suggest that if anyone should ever get an opportunity to see whatever his name was again in the buff, maybe they want to grab that chain and run with it. " This quote is very interesting how subtle this ending is. I like it because it's very low key sad and funny.
"Let’s talk about leads. The way that we’re taught in journalism school to do a lead is to get all the basic information into the first or second paragraph somehow. Well, as you all know, if you’re trying to do that, it’s hard to do with any style. You’ve got to say how old somebody is, where they live, what they did, what they’re charged with, all the rest of it, it’s hard to put a lot of pizzazz on that and make it look like anything." I like how he writes directly to the reader. Not only is his advise good but it's interesting how he delivers it.
"That is a third of the column. To me the “nut graph”, if you apply the old way of looking at this – and remember this was written in the ’70s – the nut graph is basically, “It was another of last week’s murders that went almost unnoticed,” the last paragraph that I read. You didn’t get to that until a third of the way through the column. He goes later in the column into statistics and how many young people are dying and the rest of it. What was important was that he started with a scene of happy go-lucky kids walking down the street, and then I thought the most effective thing he did was: “He said, give me the money.”
“I don’t have any money.” "I like how he explains the nut graph. He also gives his opinion and backs it up with a quote.
"The kid was Justin Mello, barely 16 years old, popular soccer player at Anchor Bay High School, with a melting smile, a tall athletic frame, a freshly minted driver’s license and a dream of buying his father’s GMC truck with the money earned working at a pizza shop." I like how this just gets the job done. He writes a small profile on the person about all the important facts you need to know.
"I remember a far less significant example, something I did one time with basketball player Dennis Rodman, who was holding out for more money. Whatever it was they were offering him at the time, it seemed like a ton of money and it wasn’t enough for him. I went to an auto plant and interviewed a series of people about what they made and what they did and barely mentioned Dennis Rodman, except at the end. I described what they did, and what their jobs were, what their tasks were, how often they worked, and then asked them, what do you think about the fact that Dennis Rodman can’t get by on $10 million a year or whatever it was." I like how he goes into detail about the other people that don't seem as important. He gives the main facts rather than making a big hype on the main character which is good as well.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
summary of learning how to write a feature profile(both parts)
part one
Features should have conflict for the main character. Without conflict the writing is uninteresting and there is no challenge. There should be a certain news angle on how and why the story is being written. There should be a setting in the story of when and where the character is to set a tone. Setting isn't all that significant but the reader needs to know when it happened. There should be a main character that is developed so the reader can have human interest. There should be a certain perspective. There should be a strong voice in the writing showing that the narrator knows what they are talking about. The story should have lots of information and a strong plot.
part two
This feature talks about scenery to describe the person. First you need to get some background information to at least know who you are dealing with. Then the writer described the person and their actions, I think this makes the feature more detailed.In "Where's Jake Scott" there is conflict. Conflict definitely makes the article more interesting. Conflict draws in the reader and adds human interest. In this feature the writer puts himself into the article a lot which I don't think is the best idea when you are talking about somebody else's story. The feature should be a story with at least a beginning and a middle but there doesn't necesarily need to be an end because that can also add more interest as well. There should be an in depth understanding of what the main character does.
Features should have conflict for the main character. Without conflict the writing is uninteresting and there is no challenge. There should be a certain news angle on how and why the story is being written. There should be a setting in the story of when and where the character is to set a tone. Setting isn't all that significant but the reader needs to know when it happened. There should be a main character that is developed so the reader can have human interest. There should be a certain perspective. There should be a strong voice in the writing showing that the narrator knows what they are talking about. The story should have lots of information and a strong plot.
part two
This feature talks about scenery to describe the person. First you need to get some background information to at least know who you are dealing with. Then the writer described the person and their actions, I think this makes the feature more detailed.In "Where's Jake Scott" there is conflict. Conflict definitely makes the article more interesting. Conflict draws in the reader and adds human interest. In this feature the writer puts himself into the article a lot which I don't think is the best idea when you are talking about somebody else's story. The feature should be a story with at least a beginning and a middle but there doesn't necesarily need to be an end because that can also add more interest as well. There should be an in depth understanding of what the main character does.
Monday, February 8, 2016
lead scavenger hunt
1. John Sack is an integral part of Esquire lore.
description (person)
2. Ken Armstrong and T. Christian Miller found themselves in the odd position of moving from competitors to collaborators, over the course of a phone call or two and a few emails.
contrast or description (event)
3. Was artist Larry Rivers a sexual swashbuckler, breaking taboos and changing the way we think of the human body, or did some of his work have truly disturbing elements?
question lead
4. How do you take people — ones whom your readers would cross the street to avoid — and make them compelling enough to follow through a four-part series?
question lead
5. One side of 24 year-old Ana Rodarte’s face balloons and sags with disfiguring neurofibromatosis.
description (person)
description (person)
2. Ken Armstrong and T. Christian Miller found themselves in the odd position of moving from competitors to collaborators, over the course of a phone call or two and a few emails.
contrast or description (event)
3. Was artist Larry Rivers a sexual swashbuckler, breaking taboos and changing the way we think of the human body, or did some of his work have truly disturbing elements?
question lead
4. How do you take people — ones whom your readers would cross the street to avoid — and make them compelling enough to follow through a four-part series?
question lead
5. One side of 24 year-old Ana Rodarte’s face balloons and sags with disfiguring neurofibromatosis.
description (person)
Tuesday, February 2, 2016
the most important things about features
1 allows the reader to see the story through vivid detail
2 lead should not be cliche
3 should be in third person
4 lead can start with a direct quote
5 direct quote should be used sparingly
6 twist should should set reader up for one mood and then changes it
7 you can use short choppy sentences
8 use dialogue
9 lead should be specific then general
10 use a nut graph with who, what, when, where, why and how
Feature Exploration Day
I liked the Dies the Victim, Dies the City. It had much more action which I like in a story. Overall I didn't really think much of the feature but they were okay. They do illustrate good feature writing because they pull in the reader in a captivating story. He writes the stories like you would write a book except with more solid opinion to the reader. There is always a new fact that he adds in which is what I should do.
Monday, February 1, 2016
rest in peace franny :(( (obituary)
Clara Frances Brown,was tragically caught in a house fire yesterday in her beautiful home in San Francisco. Born in Austin, Texas in 2001 she lived to be 112, living a very long and happy life. She left her husband and dog, and was very close with her siblings and friends. Everybody close to her said she was always smiling and baked very good cookies.Franny was a gynecologist and enjoyed her highly respected job. Family, friends and coworkers said that she just wanted women's lives to be easier. Every patient she had she treated very well and was very friendly and loving doctor. She enjoyed baking and long walks and will be missed by everybody in her life.
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
current events 4.1
1. Hegar is a Texas attorney. He was asked if the sky was falling. The gas prices are falling. Hegar said that right now might be bad but we are doing better than the past and in the future our economy will be fine. He said in the 80s the low prices of gas helped fuel the budget crisis. The severance tax is a tax on the removal of natural gases charged on the producer. They don't bring in that much money.
2. Trump is holding a fundraiser to get money for wounded soldiers and veterans. He already has problems with fox news so this is a but controversial. Monday’s Iowa caucuses is on Monday. I think that this could help his event by showing he cares about veterans but also hurt him because he could miss something important. Clinton, Sanders and Trump will probably have something to debate about. The New Hampshire Primary is on the 9th. I think the debate on the fourth will happen because there is a lot to be discussed.
3. 220,000 troops are going house to house to rid the mosquito disease that is being spread. They will distribute mosquito repellent to some 400,000 pregnant women. Those are diseases and they are spread by mosquito so they take a lot of lives. The repellent can cause birth defects to babies. Carnival is being held in Brazil and the Olympics so those events might be affected.
4. Ut is banning guns in classrooms and offices. McRaven says that the campus should focus on having a good environment for students and administrators. The law will go into effect on August 1st. The open carry law went into effect on January 1st and it hasn't affected anyone really. Justin says that the law doesn't do much you just can't see the guns.
5. Paxton is an attorney in Texas. He objects Obama letting refugees from Syria settle in the US. On friday the Justice moved a group of refugees into Houston. Paxton thinks they are terrorists so he filed to block the resettlement. The judge didn't do anything and they will keep on bringing in terrorists.
6.Texas won their 1,000 game against Kansas. UT is ranked 8th so they are doing really well. The team has a problem of going too fast and getting a bit too aggressive.
7.I like the Austin's obituary better because it seems more personal and the New York times just lists things he had done for rather than talking about who he was and why he was such a good actor.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
rip every1 (Last respects and learning about obituaries)
David Bowie gave so much to the the world. Not only with his art in music and fashion but also his words to everyone. He always had something new to show to everyone and lived his life so beautifully. He changed the world with everything that he did and was respected among all people.
Andrew Smith was 25 with lymphoma when he passed away. He played professional basketball and was in the Final Four during his life. He was a talented basketball player. He had 1,147 points and 648 rebounds. He was also very tall, 6 1''. He was a very good player and had a wife and a life to live that was taken by disease.
Monte Irvin lived a very long life dying at 96. He played baseball in the major leagues and in the Negro leagues and was even in the hall of fame. He was a very talented player and kept playing even with racial discrimination. He was the first black executive. He was the second living Hall of Famer. He was a very respected and talented man.
I read David Bowie, Andrew Smith, and Monte Irvin's articles. They were all very famous, talented people. Only one was black and the other two were white. Two were older and one died very young to disease. They all had many accomplishments in their lives. Bowie's article was more about his affect on society while the others mainly just talked about what they had done and how they died. This is because the other two were both sports players.
extra credit:
They mostly just talked about all the things that they had done and didn't really talk about them as actual people.
Andrew Smith was 25 with lymphoma when he passed away. He played professional basketball and was in the Final Four during his life. He was a talented basketball player. He had 1,147 points and 648 rebounds. He was also very tall, 6 1''. He was a very good player and had a wife and a life to live that was taken by disease.
Monte Irvin lived a very long life dying at 96. He played baseball in the major leagues and in the Negro leagues and was even in the hall of fame. He was a very talented player and kept playing even with racial discrimination. He was the first black executive. He was the second living Hall of Famer. He was a very respected and talented man.
I read David Bowie, Andrew Smith, and Monte Irvin's articles. They were all very famous, talented people. Only one was black and the other two were white. Two were older and one died very young to disease. They all had many accomplishments in their lives. Bowie's article was more about his affect on society while the others mainly just talked about what they had done and how they died. This is because the other two were both sports players.
extra credit:
They mostly just talked about all the things that they had done and didn't really talk about them as actual people.
Monday, January 18, 2016
the monster >:-( (RIP KELLY)
1. The story shows that there is more pressure on the doctor than the patient. The main characer isn't actually Kelly but it is the doctor.
2.The writer was obviously in the room during the operation. The article seems to be written by a narrator and is more like a story.
3. The author tells a story with a symbol. The monster is the the metaphor for the aneurysms. This brings more interest in the story because there is a villian or "the monster" except it is also not actually fiction.
4.The repoter told a story and put all the information they had together so it wasn't just what was interviewed and what was observed. I think the work was half and half interview and observation. The reporter got thte information about the wife making lunch from an interview but the doctor at work was observed.
5."In the cold hours of a winter morning Dr. Thomas Barbee Ducker, chief brain surgeon at the University of Maryland Hospital, rises before dawn. His wife serves him waffles but no coffee. Coffee makes his hands shake." This is the opening paragraph and it sets up the story with a hook. The reportter probobaly asked, "What are your mornings like" but with a follow up question about what he eats and why he doesnt drink coffee.
2.The writer was obviously in the room during the operation. The article seems to be written by a narrator and is more like a story.
3. The author tells a story with a symbol. The monster is the the metaphor for the aneurysms. This brings more interest in the story because there is a villian or "the monster" except it is also not actually fiction.
4.The repoter told a story and put all the information they had together so it wasn't just what was interviewed and what was observed. I think the work was half and half interview and observation. The reporter got thte information about the wife making lunch from an interview but the doctor at work was observed.
5."In the cold hours of a winter morning Dr. Thomas Barbee Ducker, chief brain surgeon at the University of Maryland Hospital, rises before dawn. His wife serves him waffles but no coffee. Coffee makes his hands shake." This is the opening paragraph and it sets up the story with a hook. The reportter probobaly asked, "What are your mornings like" but with a follow up question about what he eats and why he doesnt drink coffee.
Friday, January 8, 2016
the radical write :/
1. He says that reporters should tell a story. When the reader reads something that is just data it is boring and they most likely won't enjoy it. The story needs a theme. The reporter should ask themselves what the story is about.
2.There needs to be drama to add to add emotion to the story. There needs to be a character for the reader to relate to. Conflict adds to the plot and draws the reader in. Dialogue between characters is always more interesting then what the reporter says. Order is important because there is always a beginning, middle and end. Anticipation uses foreshadowing. Climax is the height of the story and usually the most interesting part. Resolution helps when there is a problem and it is solved and helps conclude the writing.
2.There needs to be drama to add to add emotion to the story. There needs to be a character for the reader to relate to. Conflict adds to the plot and draws the reader in. Dialogue between characters is always more interesting then what the reporter says. Order is important because there is always a beginning, middle and end. Anticipation uses foreshadowing. Climax is the height of the story and usually the most interesting part. Resolution helps when there is a problem and it is solved and helps conclude the writing.
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