1. Hegar is a Texas attorney. He was asked if the sky was falling. The gas prices are falling. Hegar said that right now might be bad but we are doing better than the past and in the future our economy will be fine. He said in the 80s the low prices of gas helped fuel the budget crisis. The severance tax is a tax on the removal of natural gases charged on the producer. They don't bring in that much money.
2. Trump is holding a fundraiser to get money for wounded soldiers and veterans. He already has problems with fox news so this is a but controversial. Monday’s Iowa caucuses is on Monday. I think that this could help his event by showing he cares about veterans but also hurt him because he could miss something important. Clinton, Sanders and Trump will probably have something to debate about. The New Hampshire Primary is on the 9th. I think the debate on the fourth will happen because there is a lot to be discussed.
3. 220,000 troops are going house to house to rid the mosquito disease that is being spread. They will distribute mosquito repellent to some 400,000 pregnant women. Those are diseases and they are spread by mosquito so they take a lot of lives. The repellent can cause birth defects to babies. Carnival is being held in Brazil and the Olympics so those events might be affected.
4. Ut is banning guns in classrooms and offices. McRaven says that the campus should focus on having a good environment for students and administrators. The law will go into effect on August 1st. The open carry law went into effect on January 1st and it hasn't affected anyone really. Justin says that the law doesn't do much you just can't see the guns.
5. Paxton is an attorney in Texas. He objects Obama letting refugees from Syria settle in the US. On friday the Justice moved a group of refugees into Houston. Paxton thinks they are terrorists so he filed to block the resettlement. The judge didn't do anything and they will keep on bringing in terrorists.
6.Texas won their 1,000 game against Kansas. UT is ranked 8th so they are doing really well. The team has a problem of going too fast and getting a bit too aggressive.
7.I like the Austin's obituary better because it seems more personal and the New York times just lists things he had done for rather than talking about who he was and why he was such a good actor.