I went to the small gym to observe the senior pictures.
There were two places for the students to take their pictures. The students
were in lines that were more like clumps. The casual clothes on but the boys
wore fake suits and the girls wore fake dresses which were just pieces of cloth.
The students didn’t seem to happy but they didn’t seem to be pissed of either.
They just looked kind of bored. They were all talking to each other. There were
also students by the wall during what seemed to be English homework. I saw a
few people that I knew. There seemed to be at least sixty or seventy senior
students and teacher in there. Their backpacks were way smaller than freshman
backpacks. The students doing the English work looked super bored. The
photographers looked really bored. People were walking in and out and changing
their shirts. Some of the seniors had sashes on their suits. The room smelled
like feet and old wood. I could hear the small little bits of chatter from
where I was standing but nothing clearly. Sometimes I could hear people laugh. I
could focus on a certain people sometimes and watch their body and facial
expressions. Nobody in the room looked mad. Anna, the girl next to me started
talking to who I assumed was an English teacher because he was grading an
essay. They started talking about college. She told him that location was a big
part of what she was looking for. They talked about Portland and the west
coast. The seniors were still taking pictures. I noticed a girl with Adidas
leggings talking to another senior with a sweatshirt on. They weren’t waiting in
line. A boy with shorts and a black shirt and slides came in and started
talking to Anna. She told me that his name was Victor. I asked him if he knew
my sister and then he told this story about how my sister was in a play with
him and he said that she was bossy. I then noticed that victor had an iPhone
case that had unicorns on it and it said “hater gunna hate”. Then Victor and
Anna started talking Adidas slides. Then we left the big gym and walked back to
the classroom.
Tuesday, September 29, 2015
Friday, September 25, 2015
current event quiz 3
1. The pope wanted to "break
out of its cycle of polarization and paralysis and use its power to
heal the “open wounds” of a planet torn by hatred, greed, poverty and
pollution". He wanted the governments decisions to be for the people good and not just diced based on money.He was directing the speech at congress. This was historic because this was the first time His speech defended freedom of religion. John Boehner invited him.
2. There is a debate on whether a football official said racist remarks or not to provoke a player to punch him. The two players can return on the 15th but Breed will not be returning. The chairman, Mike Motheral said that he was frustrated when Moreno, Rojas, Watts and Breed didn't show up for the committee.
3. The parents of Maplewood students were frustrated because one of the sixth grade teachers got switched to Blackshear Elementary. AISD wanted teachers to only have 30 students per class. This causes the advanced students and students who aren't as advanced so the students will either be behind or not learning enough. The same thing happened at Bryker Woods except they allowed the teacher to stay.
4. Whitmire asked for the attorney general's opinion on whether the state's new open carry law will allow people to allow firearms on school properties. This law will take effect on January 1. Whitmire said that the position will not withstand a legal challenge. Paxton's office has 180 days to issue the nonbinding legal opinion.
5. Rashad Owens, charged with killing four people and injuring over 20 people at South by Southwest. He was incarcerated with bail of $5.5 million.
2. There is a debate on whether a football official said racist remarks or not to provoke a player to punch him. The two players can return on the 15th but Breed will not be returning. The chairman, Mike Motheral said that he was frustrated when Moreno, Rojas, Watts and Breed didn't show up for the committee.
3. The parents of Maplewood students were frustrated because one of the sixth grade teachers got switched to Blackshear Elementary. AISD wanted teachers to only have 30 students per class. This causes the advanced students and students who aren't as advanced so the students will either be behind or not learning enough. The same thing happened at Bryker Woods except they allowed the teacher to stay.
4. Whitmire asked for the attorney general's opinion on whether the state's new open carry law will allow people to allow firearms on school properties. This law will take effect on January 1. Whitmire said that the position will not withstand a legal challenge. Paxton's office has 180 days to issue the nonbinding legal opinion.
5. Rashad Owens, charged with killing four people and injuring over 20 people at South by Southwest. He was incarcerated with bail of $5.5 million.
An obituary is basically talking about how a persons life was before they die. It talks about how good they were of a person and who will miss them. They don't really talk about how the person died.
I think having that as an assignment would actually be very interesting to see what people would write about. Also you would learn how people want their life to be.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Franny interviews Franny
One time I was attacked by my friends dog. I was walking her dog and she went inside and left me alone with the dog and it attacked me. It jumped on top of me and ripped my clothes and bit my ear. My clothes got ripped and I got bit on my arms and legs. That was the first time I ever kicked an animal.
Thursday, September 17, 2015
Current Event Quiz 2
1. The long shot candidates were before the main candidates debate. The helped them because their ideas were heard first. The gave them a little bit better chance of winning. Donald Trump was on center stage because some of the candidates didn't qualify.
2. The CIA came to look at documents and to speak at Bass Lecture Hall. The release of the documents would show that the government isn't just keeping secrets but they are trying to not harm national security. The public can visit their website to see the documents. A PDB is the President's Daily Briefs. During the 1960s these were important because they gave crucial imformation.
3. Hungarian security unleashed water cannons and tear gas on asylum seeker who tried to get through a fence. Migrants tried to find other routes from Serbia to Croatia and this would bve dangerous.
4. A student at McCarthur High School got detained for bringing a clock to school and a teacher said he looked suspicious. He wanted to show his engineering teacher his project until he got suspended for three days!! Half a million people tweeted supported him and Obama said it was cool.
I first learned about this story during this quiz, because one of the questions was about it. I think that social media would be very biased but it would still be informative and would show what happened and who supported him. I think that the story should have been more near the front because the fact that there is still racism, let alone racism of a 14 year old boy, is absolutely crazy. I would have put the story near the front because it is an important story.
2. The CIA came to look at documents and to speak at Bass Lecture Hall. The release of the documents would show that the government isn't just keeping secrets but they are trying to not harm national security. The public can visit their website to see the documents. A PDB is the President's Daily Briefs. During the 1960s these were important because they gave crucial imformation.
3. Hungarian security unleashed water cannons and tear gas on asylum seeker who tried to get through a fence. Migrants tried to find other routes from Serbia to Croatia and this would bve dangerous.
4. A student at McCarthur High School got detained for bringing a clock to school and a teacher said he looked suspicious. He wanted to show his engineering teacher his project until he got suspended for three days!! Half a million people tweeted supported him and Obama said it was cool.
I first learned about this story during this quiz, because one of the questions was about it. I think that social media would be very biased but it would still be informative and would show what happened and who supported him. I think that the story should have been more near the front because the fact that there is still racism, let alone racism of a 14 year old boy, is absolutely crazy. I would have put the story near the front because it is an important story.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Current Event Quiz 1
1. A teaching assistant assaulted a gay man ten months before he was hired. UT says that federal laws of confidentiality keep them from explaining publicly why they hired the criminal. I think that the university did know about the assaults because the information was easy to find.
2.A black man was injured when he was arrested and died a week later. The family sued the police and got a 1 million dollar settlement. The mayor said that the deal was "in the best interest of the city". The New York, Eric Garner case is also similar to the Baltimore case.
3. Chancellor Sig-mar Gabriel is taking half a million refugees a year, for several years. Critics say that this will cause migrants to travel to Germany and this will cause people to risk their lives for the opportunity. Germany responded to the criticism by reducing cash handouts and said they would increase food stamps and in-kind aid.
4. Ted Cruz invited Donald trump to the anti-Iran nuke deal rally. Cruz used Trump to attract more media. Unlike other candidates, Cruz isn't that mean to Trump. He basically said that the media follows Trump wherever he goes.
5. Clinton apologized for her use of private emails after declining a week before. This will most likely stay in the news because they (Ron Johnson and Bryan Pagliano) are meeting with the attorneys of Paliano to talk about what will be revealed. Co-mingling is to mix and Clinton's personal and business life co-mingled. Her mistake was her not admitting her mistake.
6.Two students beat up a game official because they thought he was being unfair and they got suspended. The assistant coach made comments that could have influenced the players to do these actions. The students say the official was speaking racial slurs to the players and this is also what led them to hurt him.
Fixing all of Austin's public pools would cost $47 million. The article talks about Austin's Nature and science center, which is free. 61% of AISD are poor. It talks about how everybody in Austin should care about our young people and give them more opportunities. In a few years, if the funding isn't paid for then the cost to fix pools will rise to $100 million. She basically talks about
I think that there are other things that our city should help raise money for, pools are not really at the top of that list. Pools are important for summer and for kids but we could be raising that money to redo roads or give that money to homeless people who need help with their lives. I do think that the pools need help though.
2.A black man was injured when he was arrested and died a week later. The family sued the police and got a 1 million dollar settlement. The mayor said that the deal was "in the best interest of the city". The New York, Eric Garner case is also similar to the Baltimore case.
3. Chancellor Sig-mar Gabriel is taking half a million refugees a year, for several years. Critics say that this will cause migrants to travel to Germany and this will cause people to risk their lives for the opportunity. Germany responded to the criticism by reducing cash handouts and said they would increase food stamps and in-kind aid.
4. Ted Cruz invited Donald trump to the anti-Iran nuke deal rally. Cruz used Trump to attract more media. Unlike other candidates, Cruz isn't that mean to Trump. He basically said that the media follows Trump wherever he goes.
5. Clinton apologized for her use of private emails after declining a week before. This will most likely stay in the news because they (Ron Johnson and Bryan Pagliano) are meeting with the attorneys of Paliano to talk about what will be revealed. Co-mingling is to mix and Clinton's personal and business life co-mingled. Her mistake was her not admitting her mistake.
6.Two students beat up a game official because they thought he was being unfair and they got suspended. The assistant coach made comments that could have influenced the players to do these actions. The students say the official was speaking racial slurs to the players and this is also what led them to hurt him.
Fixing all of Austin's public pools would cost $47 million. The article talks about Austin's Nature and science center, which is free. 61% of AISD are poor. It talks about how everybody in Austin should care about our young people and give them more opportunities. In a few years, if the funding isn't paid for then the cost to fix pools will rise to $100 million. She basically talks about
I think that there are other things that our city should help raise money for, pools are not really at the top of that list. Pools are important for summer and for kids but we could be raising that money to redo roads or give that money to homeless people who need help with their lives. I do think that the pools need help though.
Thursday, September 3, 2015
If I were assigned this scenario I would first do some research on what the district approves of for lesson plans. Also some research on creationism so I would have a clearer understanding of it. I would also interview the students in the class. I would ask them about their experience in the class and opinions on what the teacher was teaching. I would try to find some primary sources and see if they thought the power point supported creationism.
She sited a lot of the teachers and administrators. Also she had pictures of the actual power point which was very helpful. I think that she did a very good job explaining all the events and sounded very professional. I think that the power point was a very good source in its self, also the students seemed to be the most reliable sources.
If I were assigned this scenario I would first do some research on what the district approves of for lesson plans. Also some research on creationism so I would have a clearer understanding of it. I would also interview the students in the class. I would ask them about their experience in the class and opinions on what the teacher was teaching. I would try to find some primary sources and see if they thought the power point supported creationism.
She sited a lot of the teachers and administrators. Also she had pictures of the actual power point which was very helpful. I think that she did a very good job explaining all the events and sounded very professional. I think that the power point was a very good source in its self, also the students seemed to be the most reliable sources.
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