Tuesday, September 29, 2015


I went to the small gym to observe the senior pictures. There were two places for the students to take their pictures. The students were in lines that were more like clumps. The casual clothes on but the boys wore fake suits and the girls wore fake dresses which were just pieces of cloth. The students didn’t seem to happy but they didn’t seem to be pissed of either. They just looked kind of bored. They were all talking to each other. There were also students by the wall during what seemed to be English homework. I saw a few people that I knew. There seemed to be at least sixty or seventy senior students and teacher in there. Their backpacks were way smaller than freshman backpacks. The students doing the English work looked super bored. The photographers looked really bored. People were walking in and out and changing their shirts. Some of the seniors had sashes on their suits. The room smelled like feet and old wood. I could hear the small little bits of chatter from where I was standing but nothing clearly. Sometimes I could hear people laugh. I could focus on a certain people sometimes and watch their body and facial expressions. Nobody in the room looked mad. Anna, the girl next to me started talking to who I assumed was an English teacher because he was grading an essay. They started talking about college. She told him that location was a big part of what she was looking for. They talked about Portland and the west coast. The seniors were still taking pictures. I noticed a girl with Adidas leggings talking to another senior with a sweatshirt on. They weren’t waiting in line. A boy with shorts and a black shirt and slides came in and started talking to Anna. She told me that his name was Victor. I asked him if he knew my sister and then he told this story about how my sister was in a play with him and he said that she was bossy. I then noticed that victor had an iPhone case that had unicorns on it and it said “hater gunna hate”. Then Victor and Anna started talking Adidas slides. Then we left the big gym and walked back to the classroom.

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