Thursday, October 22, 2015

Current Event!!!!!!

1.  It could have either been a farm accident or somebody not following the burn ban. At 10:30 a.m. officials let people in burn ban areas return home. The fire burned 34,000 acres and damaged 1,600 homes. The cost estamate of the damges is hundreds of millions of dollars!! Thats a lot of money!

2. Central Texas has stopped using paper textbooks and is now using online textbooks. Online textbooks are cheaper and prepare students for their future. The program isn't that user-friendly and it is hard for people if they need help, like the Robertsons. Melissa likes the online textbooks because there are videos, she can upload content and its more interactive.  leander doesn't have the money to fix their wifi therefore it would cost them even more money to make their wifi faster. I personally don't see a difference in the shift because it is all the same material just in a different format.
3. Traudeau legalized marijuana, dropped the US bombing campaign against and that changed the economy. They aren't going to bomb Islam. This will also change the fact that there will weed everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4. Alan Guckian is a semi-finalist for the 2016 Music educator Award. There are 25 semifinalists and he is one of the 4,500 who were originally in it. He has a pretty good chance of winning. He will through his students a pizza party if he wins.

 5. Shaka Smart wants the players to be smart and athletic. He is making new rules and ways to make the players have drive to be smart by only allowing intellectual players to have playing time.

1 comment:

  1. 1. You left out the best part of the story ... the interviews with the local residents. :(
    2. What did the Robertsons do? Leander is footing the bill for iPads for all students just like Eanes.
    3. Trudeau hasn't done anything yet. He just got elected. What about relations with the United States?
    4. Who nominated him?
    5. Not exactly what story says.
