Monday, March 28, 2016

RIP NANCY (current event quiz)

1.Police have finished the investigations of the shooting of an unarmed and naked teen. This was significant because they finished the investigations right before their 30 day deadline. According to the police chief, most cases like this take about a year to process while this one only 30 days (about a month). The three options the police have as a reaction to this evidence is to either schedule a disciplinary hearing for the officer, request further investigation, or exonerate him of any policy violations.
2.They want to vote in the elction against Trump. Obama is taking action to make it easier online to help people vote. Trump would be like SCREW OBAMA AND THE MEXICANS!!!

3.Railroad comission is struggling because they don't have enough money. They are telling conservatives that they are worried that government will take over because they don't have enough funding.
4.Obama ordered flags to be flown because some old lady died. (Nancy Regan). Michelle Obama is going to the funeral on Friday. It is appropriate that Michelle goes to the funeral because of how important Nancy was not only to her husband but America. She spent the last 15 years working on the Reagan Presedential Library.
5.The jury found that a stalker filmed a nude video of Erin Andrews. Erin's parents said that they felt terror after finding out about the video. The stalker was responsible and the hotel that had the films. The hotel says that the stalker should not be just 51% responsible because it was mostly just the stalke. I think that it was the stalker's fault and they should pay more like 80% of the $55 million.
 6.Now all states have to let lgbt parents adopt kids!!!!!! In Alabama a couple couldn't get kids and were denied by the Albama Supreme Court. The vote was unanimous. They skipped hearing arguments.

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