Wednesday, April 6, 2016

best sports story ever!!!!!!!!!!

My team and I showed up at the fields at 6:00 after driving about an hour out of town. It was the playoffs for our season and none of us thought we would make it this far. Our team started out the season with all new players except for about 3, including me. We all started to stretch and start our warm ups.About half an hour later the other team, The O.Henry Mustangs. The game started and up to the middle we were neck and neck. By the end of the game we won by 11 to 5.
The second game came around and we were a but tired. This team was a bit more tough but still an even match. By the end of the game it was a tie of 10-10 and came down to sudden death where the first person to score won the game. The draw went up and the opposite team grabbed the ball out of the air. They tried to run to their goal but quickly dropped the ball for one of our players to pick up. She ran down the field dodging all the defenders. She passed it off to one of our brand new players and she scored! Our whole team ran on the field and picked her up like one of those cliche baseball movies. The underdogs won!

1 comment:

  1. Imagine that the reader knows nothing about you. You don't mention what sport you are playing. Your description should more precise so I can see the action/plot better. I am guessing it's a lacrosse game. But it's not made terribly clear. There is a good story here. Make it more vivid and precise on revision. 88
