Wednesday, April 6, 2016

gisondi article

Game stories give the highlights of a sports game and there are lots of components that Gisondi talks about. He says that there are five main things that sports stories should have:
  • storyline- significance of the events and bits about the players involved
    • basically just an overview of what happened
  • context- key details, use the nut graph, not narrative
    •  basic statistics
  • quotes-comments from players/coaches of both teams
    • quotes from BOTH teams
    • all different players/postitions of the team
    • quotes with analysis of the game
  • key plays- important plays throughout the game
    • score of the game 
    • which team was winning or loosing throughout the game
  • key statistics-stats of the game
    • only important stats not random ones
    • maybe even talk about the coach or team as a whole

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