Folio: the page numberByline: text that identifies the writer of a storyJump: text that identifies where a story is continuedStory Dividers: the lines between different stories so the reader can separate them from each other Screen: shaded areaInfographic: a graphic that provides facts or information like a chart or graphMasthead/ staff box: the names of the publisher, editor, and other important peopleBastard measure: the one thing on a page that's different to create varietyRaw Wrap: text that extends into a column along the headlineReefer: text/graphic that refers to a story elsewhere in the paperWild Art: a photo that doesn't accompany any storyPull Quote: a graphic treatment of a quote pulled from the storyEars: the white space on either side of the flagBanner: a wide headline extending across the entire pageKicker Headline: short, one-line headlineWicket Headline: a headline that consists of two or more lines of a secondary headline above one or more lines of a primary headlineTripod Headline: a headline with a primary headline on the left covering two lines, next to lines of secondary headlineHammer Headline: a headline style that features one or more lines of primary headline above one or more lines of a secondary headlineModular Design: a design system that views a page as a stack of rectanglesText Wrap: text that wraps around an imageL-Shaped Text Flow: L-shaped article with an image or something in the bend of the L
Good that you turned this in, but you don't have all the terms and it is late. 88