Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Current Event Quiz 1

1. A teaching assistant assaulted a gay man ten months before he was hired. UT says that federal laws of confidentiality keep them from explaining publicly why they hired the criminal. I think that the university did know about the assaults because the information was easy to find.

2.A black man was injured when he was arrested and died a week later. The family sued  the police and got a 1 million dollar settlement. The mayor said that the deal was "in the best interest of the city". The New York, Eric Garner case is also similar to the Baltimore case.

3. Chancellor Sig-mar Gabriel is taking half a million refugees a year, for several years. Critics say that this will cause migrants to travel to Germany and this will cause people to risk their lives for the opportunity. Germany responded to the criticism by reducing cash handouts  and said they would increase food stamps and in-kind aid.

4. Ted Cruz invited Donald trump to the anti-Iran nuke deal rally. Cruz used Trump to attract more media. Unlike other candidates, Cruz isn't that mean to Trump. He basically said that the media follows Trump wherever he goes.

5. Clinton apologized for her use of private emails after declining a week before. This will most likely stay in the news because they (Ron Johnson and Bryan Pagliano) are meeting with the attorneys of Paliano to talk about what will be revealed. Co-mingling is to mix and Clinton's personal and business life co-mingled. Her mistake was her not admitting her mistake.

6.Two students beat up a game official because they thought he was being unfair and they got suspended. The assistant coach made comments that could have influenced the players to do these actions. The students say the official was speaking racial slurs to the players and this is also what led them to hurt him.

Fixing all of Austin's public pools would cost $47 million. The article talks about Austin's Nature and science center, which is free. 61% of AISD are poor. It talks about how everybody in Austin should care about our  young people and give them more opportunities. In a few years, if the funding isn't paid for then the cost to fix pools will rise to $100 million. She basically talks about

I think that there are other things that our city should help raise money for, pools are not really at the top of that list. Pools are important for summer and for kids but we could be raising that money to redo roads or give that money to homeless people who need help with their lives. I do think that the pools need help though.


  1. Criminal trial is still pending. The deal was $6.4 million not $1 million.
    What is the larger crisis to which Germany is responding? How has Germany led Europe?
    Why is Trump not a Cruz target? He's an outsider.
    Clinton's earlier mistake was voting for the war in Iraq.
    You did not mention news values or sources in your essay. That was the assignment.


  2. Criminal trial is still pending. The deal was $6.4 million not $1 million.
    What is the larger crisis to which Germany is responding? How has Germany led Europe?
    Why is Trump not a Cruz target? He's an outsider.
    Clinton's earlier mistake was voting for the war in Iraq.
    You did not mention news values or sources in your essay. That was the assignment.

