Monday, November 9, 2015

current event quiz 3.1

1.Texas abortion restrictions law may be reviewed. The public will know on Monday what the supreme court says. Everybody wants to know because they could give no access to abortion.The attorney general doesn't want the law looked at because it could cause medical difficulty.
2.The judge shielded Charles Kleinert from charges. The judge cited a precedent from 125 years ago.  The supremacy clause declares the primary law of land. Jens David Ohlin says the case could be "far reaching".
3.The University of Washington did a major culture prep for their to China trip and learned basic Mandarin for two weeks. UT did the same thing to a lesser extent. The game is historic because UT might go again in the summer and in fall to engage alumni. The team has to miss a lot of class time to do this so that is a concern.
4.On Sunday in Myanmar millions of people voted to let military's power to be loosened. The day was peaceful and everybody was happy. Suu Kyi is expected to prevail and this will help the country not be under military rule that they have been under for half a century.
5.Pope Francis said that staling the financial malfeasances was a crime. The pope says that the two books released last week don't help. He is mad because the books say their is greed in the Vatican.
6.The sanctuary cities are Austin, Houston and Dallas.Both of the articles have opinions on immigration and quotes and evidence. The first article gives Greg Abbott's opinions. The second article talks about how people who cross the border are able to come to sanctuary cities.The cartoon basically says that if people can cross the border if they come to Austin, Houston or Dallas is it is totally fine. 

These articles are different because they have comics and two views. Also there is no editorials on the page.


  1. 1. The law doesn't give "no access" to abortion. It restricts access to abortion though and the Supreme Court may consider how much restriction places an "undue burden" on citizens. The AG just said that the law was intended to make abortions safer. (-2)
    2. This answer misses the main point. The Supremacy Clause makes FEDERAL officers immune to LOCAL jurisdiction. The just dismissed Kleinert's charges merely because he served on a FEDERAL task force. It could make cases for lots of police officers more difficult to bring to trial. (-3)
    3. UT did a lot less. The game is the first regular-season college game played in China. (-1)
    5. Malfeasance is not what was stolen. Documents (that revealed malfeasance) were stolen. What is revealed in the two books? The article mentions two instances of corruption. He is mad because he feels betrayed and that the books will confuse folks and not inform them. (-3)
    6. Your answer (like Claire's and Audrey's) does not discuss the opinions of the two articles well. The discussion of the cartoons does not explain what the visuals mean in each cartoon. (-2)

  2. 1. The law doesn't give "no access" to abortion. It restricts access to abortion though and the Supreme Court may consider how much restriction places an "undue burden" on citizens. The AG just said that the law was intended to make abortions safer. (-2)
    2. This answer misses the main point. The Supremacy Clause makes FEDERAL officers immune to LOCAL jurisdiction. The just dismissed Kleinert's charges merely because he served on a FEDERAL task force. It could make cases for lots of police officers more difficult to bring to trial. (-3)
    3. UT did a lot less. The game is the first regular-season college game played in China. (-1)
    5. Malfeasance is not what was stolen. Documents (that revealed malfeasance) were stolen. What is revealed in the two books? The article mentions two instances of corruption. He is mad because he feels betrayed and that the books will confuse folks and not inform them. (-3)
    6. Your answer (like Claire's and Audrey's) does not discuss the opinions of the two articles well. The discussion of the cartoons does not explain what the visuals mean in each cartoon. (-2)
