Tuesday, November 24, 2015

just a bill :((((

1.There was a measure made to make new screening for Syrian refugees. It is popular because there was already politics about this topic. They are going to take up the measure after Thanksgiving. Obama is threatening to veto the bill!!!! HE'S JUST A BILL YES HE'S ONLY A BILL. This will be mean and our economy is based on immigrants.
2.The city council is easing regulations for garage apartments. Garage apartments provide space for people with low income and allow people to live affordably in neighborhoods. Tovo was opposed because it would undermine neighborhood plans. Ates said it was the only way he could live in his neighborhood. I think that people should be able to live where they want to live.
4.Salmon that is genetically modified is ok to eat. They can now eat AuquaAdvantage. There are aguements saying that the fish isn't safe to eat. The approval took a long time because it was the first of its kind. The executive was excited and surprised by the review.
5.Zimmerman wants to block Austin's money from helping Syrian refugees. Casar wants to support the refugees. Adler says that helping refugees and people in austin are two different things. 1225 refugees came to Travis County. Sid Miller compares rattle snakes to refugees. Democrats say that he "fanned the flames of fear".
6.Raphael Holiday set a fire that killed three people.He is one of the 13 people that has been put to death this year. Texas is half of the total murders in the US. Sween says that the attorneys gave up on Holiday.
7.I think I want to do an editorial on the Syrian refugees. This topic is highly controversial and there are many opinions on it. This would be very interesting to readers to get another view.

My All American is about longhorn history. Hi column has a strong opinion.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Who is they? THE SENATE. The bill passed the House, so it goes to the Senate next. Your explanation about the President's objection to the bill are off the mark. He thinks it undercuts U.S. leadership and that is unnecessary when there is already a rigorous two-year screen policy in place. (-3)
    2. Good job. But Sabino Renteria voiced the same opinion as Ates.
    3. You skipped No. 3. (-5)
    4. They said that they did not study the question long enough to know if its safe and they said the natural population of salmon could be at risk if the genetic salmon somehow came into contact with it. What about the graph? You didn't address that part of question. (-2)
    5. Adler said those things aren't antithetical, that the city can help others and protect citizens. How did Adler compare refugees to snakes? (-1)
    6. He was convicted of the crime. Texas is half of the state executions not half the murders. What about the trial attorney? Who overruled both appeals? (-3)
    7. Good but you were supposed to do three possible topics not just one. (-5)
