There is a calm feeling that comes over you when you are with puppy. Think about their fluffy fur and their cute little eyes and noses. Dogs are the best! Nobody can deny it because if they do they are wrong. Now think about the stress and awfulness of final. Having a warm, happy fluffy dog with you there would make you feel much better.
Dogs are man's best friend. Dogs are always happy to see humans. They are always happy and there for you when you are down. Everybody loves dogs unless you are a soulless piece of trash. I was in school the other day and a random dude walked in with a puppy and I saw a girl who I have never seen smile have a full blown grin on her face. Dogs make everybody and stress free.
Finals suck. Everybody is worried about failing. Most people have a bit of anxiety. A lot of people even fail just because of feeling stressed, it doesn't matter how well prepared they are, finals are scary. Finals test you over all the material of the whole semester on one day. The tests would be so much better if everybody were happy and more calm. Nothing makes a person as happy as a dog. The dogs would help calm everybody down and make them feel way better.
The way it work is before the finals students would have dogs brought into the classroom. The students will then feel way better about their tests, having a dog around will make everybody happy and before a big test that helps a lot. Having joyful students will bring a more positive vibe in the testing area. After the students play with the dogs they will then proceed to get 100s on their finals.
In conclusion dogs should be able to come to school. Finals weeks is the most stressful two weeks if the year. Letting students play with dogs would help them calm down and therefore help them do better on their tests. It is not an opinion that dogs are the best, it is a fact.
Finals suck. Everybody is worried about failing. Most people have a bit of anxiety. A lot of people even fail just because of feeling stressed, it doesn't matter how well prepared they are, finals are scary. Finals test you over all the material of the whole semester on one day. The tests would be so much better if everybody were happy and more calm. Nothing makes a person as happy as a dog. The dogs would help calm everybody down and make them feel way better.
The way it work is before the finals students would have dogs brought into the classroom. The students will then feel way better about their tests, having a dog around will make everybody happy and before a big test that helps a lot. Having joyful students will bring a more positive vibe in the testing area. After the students play with the dogs they will then proceed to get 100s on their finals.
In conclusion dogs should be able to come to school. Finals weeks is the most stressful two weeks if the year. Letting students play with dogs would help them calm down and therefore help them do better on their tests. It is not an opinion that dogs are the best, it is a fact.